accessibility declaration

KINOMURAL FOUNDATION, UL. KOTLARSKA 17 / 9, 50-150 WROCŁAW, NIP 8971893938, KRS 0000911925,. undertakes to ensure the availability of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the website .

  • Website publication date:
  • Date of last significant update:

Status in terms of compliance with the law

The website is partially compliant with the Act on Digital Accessibility of Public Entities’ Websites and Mobile Applications due to the non-compliance or exclusions listed below.

Content unavailable

  • No support for text readers.

Preparation of the declaration on accessibility

  • The declaration was drawn up on:
  • The declaration was last reviewed and updated on:

The declaration was made on the basis of a self-assessment.

feedback and contact details

  • Michał Osiński is responsible for examining comments and motions .
  • Email:
  • Phone: 692876731

Everyone has the right:

  • submit comments regarding the digital accessibility of the website or its element,
  • submit a request to ensure the digital availability of the website or its element,
  • request access to unavailable information in another alternative form.

The request must include:

  • contact details of the reporting person,
  • indication of the page or page element to which the request relates,
  • indication of a convenient form of providing information, if the request concerns the provision of unavailable information in an alternative form.

The application should be considered immediately, within 7 days at the latest. If it is not possible to ensure access within this period or to provide access in an alternative form, it should take place no later than 2 months from the date of notification.

Complaints and appeals

Failure to meet these deadlines and refusal to fulfill the request may be submitted to the supervisory authority by post or e-mail to the following address:

  • Supervisory body: Representative of the Kinomural Foundation
  • Address: UL. KOTLARSKA 17 / 9
  • Email:
  • Phone: +48 501 533 616

A complaint may also be lodged with the Ombudsman .