Kidmograph [Gustavo Fernando Torres], born in Argentina, is an art director, motion  designer, 3D artist, painter and traditional/digital illustrator.  

He has been working online since 2005 in music videos, live visuals, animation of all kinds  and art exhibitions worldwide.  

His work is eclectic yet cohesive in time, with a strong emphasis on universal themes  using different styles and visual combinations.  

Strong references are based on years of experimenting with painting and mixed media.  The early sci-fi influence, 80’s and 90’s anime, late 20th century art movements,  postmodernism and the subsequent digital art aesthetics that came with home computers  and software, the vaporwave movement, error as art and the constant search for different  artistic languages.  

His collaborations with artists like The Strokes, Nas, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, The  Weeknd and brands like Nike, Apple, Adidas, Honda are global in scope.